
Here’s What Goes Into Processed Meat

The lean component of red meat is an excellent source of essential nutrients. According to a study published in the journal Nutrition & Dietetics, you can get vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12 from red meat, as well as minerals like iron, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. The lean component of red meat is also a great source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, which offer significant benefits for your heart and brain. In addition, phytochemical analysis reveals that it is rich in endogenous antioxidants and bioactive components like taurine, carnitine, glutathione and creatine that support overall health.

But despite all of these nutritional benefits, eating large amounts of red meat is still considered unhealthy. This prompted a team of Spanish researchers to investigate why frequent consumption of red meat increases health risks. In their report, which appeared in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness, the researchers attributed its negative effects to the presence of “substances of safety concern” in various meat products. These harmful chemicals are linked to certain food additives and are generated when red meats are subjected to various types of processing. Read more…

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