
Persimmons Pack Plenty of Nutritional Punch

Persimmons are low in calories and high in fiber—a combination that makes them a good choice for weight control. Their mix of antioxidants and nutrients—including vitamins A and C—makes them ideal for a healthy diet.

But for all of the benefits that come in these colorful, somewhat uncommon fruits, it may be their relative obscurity that makes them an even more valuable addition to a daily diet.

Typically in season from September through December, persimmons pair well with both sweet and savory foods—and they offer a nutritious alternative for people who may grow weary of the same everyday fruits, such as apples, oranges or bananas.

“They have different nutrient profiles and bioactives, and it just takes the boredom out of eating the same old, same old,” said Penny Kris-Etherton, a nutrition professor at Pennsylvania State University. “If you have some new fruits and vegetables to try, it makes it more exciting, and I think a lot easier to adhere to dietary recommendations.” Read more….

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