Fitness Wellness

Shocking Weight Loss Drug! Average 60-Pound Drop Revealed

The pharmaceutical landscape for diabetes and weight loss has seen the introduction of new drugs offering substantial benefits. Two prominent names in this realm are Ozempic and Wegovy, both developed by Novo Nordisk. However, Mounjaro (tirzepatide), an option created by Eli Lilly and Company, is another contender, primarily approved for type 2 diabetes treatment. A recent study has shed light on the remarkable impact Mounjaro can have on patients, helping them achieve an average weight loss of 60 pounds.

Eli Lilly conducted the 3 SURMOUNT-3 clinical trial, with the findings released in a press statement on October 15. This study focused on using Mounjaro in patients with obesity and those who were overweight with weight-related comorbidities. While Mounjaro is currently indicated for diabetes, this trial explored off-label use for weight loss.

Patients were divided into two groups, with one group receiving Mounjaro and the other a placebo injection over a 16-month period. Initially, there were 800 participants in the study, but after a three-month “lead-in period” that incorporated diet, exercise, and counseling sessions, over 200 individuals dropped out for various reasons, including insufficient weight loss.

The results were quite striking. At the beginning of the study, participants had an average weight of 241 pounds. Following the 12-week diet and exercise phase, participants had shed an average of 16.8 pounds, approximately 7 percent of their initial body weight. Subsequently, during the period after the lead-in, those on Mounjaro experienced an additional weight loss of 21 percent.

Altogether, patients on Mounjaro lost a total of 26.6 percent of their body weight from study entry to completion at 84 weeks, equivalent to 64.4 pounds. In contrast, those on the placebo only lost 3.8 percent of their body weight, which translates to nine pounds from start to finish.

The results for Mounjaro were even more impressive when compared to semaglutide. Approximately 88 percent of those taking Mounjaro lost 5 percent or more of their body weight, whereas only 17 percent of those on the placebo achieved this. Moreover, 29 percent of Mounjaro recipients experienced a remarkable weight loss of 25 percent of their body weight, compared to just 1 percent of patients in the placebo group.

Mounjaro, similar to Ozempic, is prescribed off-label for obesity treatment. However, it differs from Ozempic and Wegovy as it targets two hormones to regulate appetite and the sensation of fullness, whereas the other two drugs target only one hormone.

Nonetheless, the study did identify some side effects. The most commonly reported issues were gastrointestinal-related, with symptoms ranging from mild to moderate severity. Both groups reported side effects such as nausea, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, and COVID-19. More patients taking Mounjaro reported gastrointestinal issues, while slightly more individuals in the placebo group reported COVID-19. These adverse events led to 10.5 percent of patients discontinuing Mounjaro, compared to 2.1 percent in the placebo group.

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